
‍Unleashing Your Full Potential: Exploring the Seven Forms of Intelligence

June 22, 2024
Ahmadou DIALLO

A Comprehensive Guide to Lynn White's Framework for Understanding Intelligence

"Intelligence is not a single entity, but rather a constellation of abilities that work together to help us understand and interact with the world around us. By recognizing and nurturing our strengths in different areas of intelligence, we can unleash our full potential and live more fulfilling lives." 

-- Lynn White Jr.

I always had great memories when I was young. Remembering things was my superpower either at school or when learning the Surahs from the Quran.

I have never really put much effort into it. I used to be praised for my intelligence. Maybe you have been, too. Everything comes easy until it doesn't. 

Indeed, in life, we often praise some forms of intelligence and neglect others. Maybe, like me, you were not aware of the seven forms of intelligence coined by Lynn White Jr. :

1. Linguistic intelligence

2. Logical-mathematical intelligence

3. Spatial intelligence

4. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

5. Musical intelligence

6. Interpersonal intelligence

7. Intrapersonal intelligence

Before going further, our society only praises three forms of intelligence. They are the first three on the list below. 

Maybe you are scoring high on other forms of intelligence. Yet, by society's metrics, you are not worth being called an intelligent person.

In this article, we will explore each form of intelligence. You can score yourself on each kind while being kind to yourself. You may discover a superpower in you, hiding in plain sight.

1. Linguistic intelligence

That is verbal intelligence. You can read, speak, write, and understand in various contexts.

You might lack that intelligence if you have difficulties expressing yourself through language. You often feel misunderstood, sometimes frustrated, and even unheard.

Often, you don’t like written communication or expressing yourself verbally. Grammar is not your friend. You hate conversations with others. You despise written activities.

If you feel like that, see language in any form as a tool of expression. Read more, and write daily through journaling. See yourself as the best advocate for sharing your point of view with the world. 

Practice ways to be articulate in your written and verbal communications.

I score high in that type of intelligence. 

2. Logical-mathematical intelligence

That is the logical, scientific form of intelligence. You can analyze and use abstraction to solve complex problems. You are great at finding patterns and thinking abstractly.

If you have difficulties thinking with abstraction or solving complex problems, you are definitely in a challenging situation. 

You hate math, science, and everything about Big Bang theory. Each time you face an analytical problem, you run in the opposite direction. 

You can try to use some platforms like to use gamification to approach math logic and try your brain to solve complex problems.

You can strive to cultivate a mindset of order and precision in some areas of your life.

Practice being organized in your way of thinking.

I score medium in that kind of intelligence.

3. Spatial intelligence

That is the ability to perceive and manipulate objects in 3D spaces. Yes, some spaces are multi-dimensional. You can easily navigate those 3D spaces, understanding their rules and relationships between objects.

If you struggle with navigating through spaces, then you are a man. Just kidding. More seriously, if you are struggling with manipulating objects in space, if you are Lost In Translation, then you are struggling with spatial intelligence.

You are generally struggling with solving puzzles. Typically, you do not like tasks requiring visual and spatial intelligence.

Maybe that is the only moment where you can jump into the Metaverse. Try doing more mental manipulation of objects in space. Use the power of Augmented or Mixed Reality to enhance your spatial intelligence.

Practice activities that force you to reduce your visual impairment.

I score medium in that type of intelligence. 

The Road so far…

Those are the three scales you are measured against today in our society to define your intelligence. 

If you have “failed” those metrics, there is hope for you. There are still four types of intelligence to make it full circle. 

Keep reading. 

4. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

That is the ability to control and coordinate your body movements. Here, you are talking about having an excellent balance and being able to use refined motor skills.

You may lack abilities to interact with your environment using your body. You are not good at physical tasks that require a lot of coordination. The physical realm is not your real friend. 

Hello, Mr. or Mrs. Clumsy. You are not the one hitting the dance floor on Saturday night. You feel sick just thinking about movement. Deep down, you wish you were just a statue. 

Engage in physical activities. Take that Salsa class you have been postponing. Just move like nobody's watching. Dance with yourself. Use your kinetic energy to embrace your physical reality. 

Your body is a membrane through which you experience the universe. 

Practice “I like to move it, move it. I like to move it!

I score high in that kind of intelligence.

5. Musical intelligence

That is the ability to understand music. That is the power to create music. You vibrate naturally to the sounds, rhythms, and melodies in your mind. You can articulate them through notes into the musical reality of your world.

You are unable to recognize patterns and structures in your musical activities. Pitch and rhythm block you at the gate each time you go to a party. 

You hate any type of musical experience or activity. Welcome to my world. 

You should definitely listen to different genres of music. You can challenge yourself to dance more, dance alone, or dance in public. Just dance. 

Use musical practice as a way to move towards others, to connect with others, and to inspire them.

Practice ways to synchronize your musical dissonance. 

I score low in that kind of intelligence. 

6. Interpersonal intelligence

That included the ability to interact with other people. You are scoring high in Emotional Intelligence. You are the Khaleesi of networking. You are the Dalai Lama for resolving conflicts.

You see other people’s expressions and feelings as dark forces you battle. You cannot decipher their motivations. You are visually impaired in social interactions. That makes you feel isolated.

You are not a psychopath. (Maybe you are. I am not judging.) Other people's social cues are like Alien language to you. Building meaningful relationships is your predator. The arrows of empathy and compassion are not in your basket. 

Speak less and listen more. Seek for understanding before being understood. Move from the “I know it all” mindset to the “I learn it all.” Practice exercises with your friends and family to identify social cues from others. 

Practice connecting with people using empathy.

I score medium in that kind of intelligence.

7. Intrapersonal intelligence

That includes the ability to be tuned with your inner self. You have conquered your inner kingdom. You know your inner peaks and valleys. You speak the language of your emotions. 

In front of the mirror, you feel like an explorer lost in the desert of your mind. Nothing is around your inner world: only sand and the harsh sun. You are unable to move forward or take any decision or action. 

Your emotions are a foreign language to you. You see the person in front of the mirror as a stranger. That person is weak and has no idea about their strengths or struggles. You despise the person looking back at you. 

Be mindful of your emotions. Accept them as they are. Learn to welcome them into your world. Learn to count your blessings. Use a cookie jar to reflect on the journey so far. 

Practice rediscovering yourself. Learn to know the person behind the mask. That is your superhero you. 

I score high in that kind of intelligence. 

Final Thoughts

In today's society, only some forms of intelligence are recognized and celebrated. Most of the other intelligence are either ignored or buried six feet under.

The people ruling the world are those hit by linguistic, logical-mathematical, and spatial intelligence. Those people rule the rest of the intelligence kingdom ruthlessly. 

Each form of intelligence is like an instrument in an orchestra. Together, they can make a beautiful symphony:

1. Linguistic intelligence

2. Logical-mathematical intelligence

3. Spatial intelligence

4. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

5. Musical intelligence

6. Interpersonal intelligence

7. Intrapersonal intelligence

Yes, you cannot be good at all of them all the time. Just make an introspection for each form. Assess where you are and where you want to go. 

That diversity is a sign of the universe's symphony inside you. Embrace them and sing. Embrace them and dance. Embrace them and live. 

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Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

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